Why 3 Showbiz Marriages Criticized?

Why 3 Showbiz Marriages Criticized?

Showbiz actresses whose husbands have been criticized

Recently, a trend has started on social media where people associated with showbiz share all the photos and videos of their wedding celebrations on social media in the hope that their loved ones will also share their special occasions.

Join them - but just as there are some who are jealous of those who love them, instead of expressing good wishes on such occasions, such people start running the razor of satire and criticism.

Areeba Habib and her husband

Areeba Habib and her husband

In recent days, actress Areeba Habib has tied the knot. Although many people from Showbiz did not attend her wedding, Areeba Habib also shared her wedding photos from her social media account.

Media users took her husband Saadeen by surprise. Saadeen was apparently not from Showbiz, so the kind of glamor that consumers were expecting from Areeba Habib's husband could not be fulfilled.

Began to criticize - some people said that if a man has money, he can get such a beautiful wife - while some people called him a famous singer Mika Singh while some people He looked like Nader Ali on YouTube.

Ghana Ali's husband

Ghana Ali's husband

Actress Ghana Ali, who is now the mother of a baby girl, got married to her husband Umair and when she shared this news and her husband's photos from her social media account, her husband also weighed in on her.

According to some users, the reason for Ghana Ali's marriage to Umair was only his wealth, due to which the father of a son left his wife and child to go to Ghani Ali. Tied the knot with

Jia Ali's husband

Jia Ali's husband

Leading actress and model Jia Ali's wedding photos with Idrees, a Hong Kong businessman, have also drawn criticism from social media users.

 And some people even called him Uncle - some people even called this marriage Deep Pocket while some people concluded that money is everything.

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